Can High Protein Diets Improve Kidney Health?

Eating more protein might be more protective than you've been led to believe.

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • Overrated or underrated?

  • News and nonsense

  • Pump Club-Prime Day picks

Arnold’s Podcast

Want more stories from Arnold? Every day, Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast opens with a story, perspective, and wisdom from Arnold that you won’t find in the newsletter. And, you’ll hear a recap of the day’s items. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Overrated or Underrated: Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest tree species and one of the most popular herbal supplements. But its popularity appears to be based on an intriguing name and a lack of science.

Recent studies have found that Ginkgo does not appear to benefit memory, cognition, or dementia prevention. 

Despite continuing to appear in products designed to improve focus, randomized controlled trials fail to find any benefits. In one study, more than 3,000 adults between the ages of 72 and 96 took 240 mg per day with a 6-year follow-up, and the researchers saw no benefits. Another study — the largest on Ginko and cognitive decline (appropriately titled the “Ginko Evaluation of Memory” study) — also found no cognitive benefits or protection against Alzheimer’s. 

The supplement space has a lot of leeway for making unsubstantiated claims. However, the research behind Ginkgo Biloba is so inconclusive and underwhelming that the National Institutes of Health issued the dreaded statement, “There’s no conclusive evidence that ginkgo is helpful for any health condition.” Yikes. 

As always, if you want to give something a try — or if you’ve found that it’s been helpful for you — do what you feel is best. But based on the research, Ginkgo appears to be overrated and not worth your money. 

News and Nonsense

Alcohol Kills All Your Muscle

There’s a study going around that is making people panic about the relationship between alcohol and muscle building. While we’re not suggesting you replace your post-workout protein with tequila, there’s also a good reason to press pause on the panic if you have the occasional drink.

Although the study did find that boozing after your workout can potentially reduce muscle growth by 25 percent, the participants who saw a reduction in muscle protein synthesis had twelve (12!) drinks after their workout. 

Based on what we know, if you infrequently have a drink (and limit how much alcohol you consume), you can still build muscle effectively. 

A Protein Plot Twist

Despite a lack of evidence, people love talking about the dangers of protein. So here’s something you might not see coming (and might ease some concerns):

A recent study found that higher protein diets are associated with lower levels of chronic kidney disease. 

This adds to the long list of research that suggests protein does not cause kidney damage. That said, if you’re going to increase your protein intake, your best bet is to increase the protein you get from plants and still be mindful of proteins with higher levels of saturated fat if you have higher LDL. 

If you want to bump up your plant protein intake, try adding more beans, edamame, seitan, lentils, or a high-quality plant protein powder.

Pump Perks
Pump x Prime Day 

Everyone is talking about Prime Day, and we noticed a few of our favorites are on sale. We also have new items in The Pump Store. Before the deals end, here’s what we recommend.

New In The Pump Shop
The 3 Medallion Box (Save $30)
Each coin tells a story and offers a reminder of how to make the most of life. The three-coin collection includes Stay Hungry, Be Useful, and the latest — No Plan B.

Be Useful Socks
Last time, they sold out almost immediately. Now, they are finally back in stock. 

Prime Day Pump Picks

The Hamilton Beach Slow Cooker
Because nothing makes cooking at home easier than throwing food into a slow cooker, doing no additional work, and having a delicious meal.

Ninja Creami
Let’s just say everyone on the Pump Club team owns one and enjoys making protein ice cream.

Sous Vide
Ketch is our in-house chef, and sous vide is his secret weapon for cooking restaurant-style food every time. 

Water Flosser 
Everyone knows that flossing is super important, but most people don’t floss consistently enough. This makes it easier and ensures a great floss every time.

The End of Dieting
Paying $1.99 (Kindle, $11 hardcover) for the book that will make sure you never have to diet again — and helps you enjoy takeout and dessert — is a deal that’s hard to beat.

Publisher:Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief:Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell