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Today’s Health Upgrade
From Arnold: Who Wants To Train With Me?
Arnold’s Podcast
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Arnold’s Corner
Who Wants To Train With Me — In Person — In 2025?
Happy New Year! It’s the first day of 2025, and I can think of no better way to start the new year than with something big. Something I haven’t offered here before.
At The Pump, we don’t function like most apps.
We do crazy things.
We launched to a limited number of people last year, and then we closed the doors to take their recommendations and improve the app for months. We could have just taken money, but the goal wasn’t making money — it was building the best fitness app in the world.
We share our vision for the app in great detail with our members and are transparent, showing them the internal roadmap that a business school would tell us should be kept to ourselves to avoid competitors copying us. But we say, let them copy — because the goal is to make our members our partners as we continue to build the app to help them reach their goals.
We don’t let our members jump from workout to workout and choose their own adventure, even though many ask for that because they’ve done it with their other apps or fitness classes. However, our goal is for every member to see results, and we know that results only come when you stick to a well-designed program. Could we make more money if we changed this rule to be like the rest of the market? Of course.
Could we have as many wild success stories? Of course not.
Today, we are doing something crazy again. We are making The Pump app available for new members for less than $5 per month with a yearly membership.
That means you get access to customized workouts, nutrition support, interaction with my trusted experts, community support, and direct help from me.
The sale will only last 48 hours, and then, like our other offers, it will be gone. But there’s a reason the special offer won’t last long.
We want to reward the people who act for themselves right now.
Because there’s something bigger than a discount — we are focused on turning your vision into a reality.
If you act, you will use the habit builder and have better focus than ever.
You will start The Foundation program and finally understand how to shred fat and pack on muscle.
You will be surrounded by the positive corner of the internet, which will shock you when you see how people of all fitness levels come together and lift each other up.
And you will work with me and my expert coaches.
That one action will give you everything you need to succeed so that this year will be different.
This will be the year you stop putting off your success story. Whether you want to just learn how to train with your body weight or deadlift 500 pounds — I don’t want you to wait.
I don’t want you to invest in another juice cleanse or quick fix. I don’t want you to chase “28-day abs”.
I don’t want you to start this year strong and end up in the 75% of people who give up their resolution by February or the 90% who fail by the end of the year.
I want you to change your life with the support that makes you better every day.
You have 48 hours to grab the best deal ever.
You can hold your “Thank you, Arnold!” because you might want to throw in a “Damn you, Arnold!” after your first workouts.
And there’s one more, even crazier thing.
I’ve been so inspired by our thousands of success stories, from people losing over a hundred pounds to people living a better quality of life without pain to people competing in powerlifting and bodybuilding contests, that I want to throw in a little incentive.
Today, I’m announcing the “Iron Ticket.” It’s like the Golden Ticket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except this one will make you fit instead of giving you a lifetime supply of chocolate and a tour of a candy factory.
Every three months, I’ll be asking for your success stories in the app.
And I will pick three people with fantastic success stories every three months to fly out and train with me. One beginner, one intermediate, one advanced — so no one is left out.
I don’t want this to be the standard fitness challenge that just awards the fit getting fitter. I want this to be for everyone, no matter where your starting line is. Whether you’re doing your first-ever chair squats or squatting 500 pounds, as long as you’re working to be better every day, you’re eligible.
And it isn’t a one-time thing like most challenges because true fitness isn’t about one-month or even three-month transformations. I want you to choose fitness for life, and that’s why the Iron Ticket will just keep going.
There is a catch. You have to do the work. You can’t cheat your way through this. When I go through your success stories, we will check that you’ve been doing your workouts in the app.
Is this crazy? I don’t know. I tend to believe in the old quote that crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It’s why we do things differently at The Pump.
And why this year will be different for you. All it takes is signing up for the app for 40% off. The first step to a better you in 2025 starts here.

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell