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The daily email that makes it easier to live a healthier, happier life without all the confusion and stress.
A new study examines whether fresh breath comes with an undesired health concern.
You probably don't think of it as a health behavior, but new research suggests that chewing gum could help your weight loss goals.
Probiotics are a billion-dollar industry and get all the attention, but new research suggests the foundation of a healthy microbiome starts with food.
Arnold offers valuable advice that could free up your energy and help you become more positive, focused, fit, and happy.
Research suggests that what you do immediately after learning can help boost your memory and recall.
A new column looks into the products The Pump Club doesn't recommend, and why our business is about making you healthier, without wasting your money.
Do the calories you eat at night hit differently? Do they affect your appetite the next day? A new study offers a new perspective on your last meal of the day.
Movement, a healthy diet, and good sleep are important pieces of the health puzzle. But a new study of nearly 500,000 people says there's another variable that matters.
All forms of exercise can improve the health of your brain and mind. However, two new studies found that not all forms of movement are equal.
A new study created fear that an artificial sweetener could cause atherosclerosis. Before you panic, here's what you need to know.
Food technology has made health bars a lot tastier. But many of the best selling protein bars have a dirty secret hiding in the ingredient profile.
Microplastics are everywhere—in the air, water, and food. But a diet change could help you eliminate them before they do much damage.
Several recent studies suggest a popular sports supplement could help improve mood, fight depression, and boost mental performance.
A new study suggests that a grip strength test can help determine if you're likely to live a longer life.
New research suggests that what you do before your workout (don't worry, it's not stretching) can boost strength and endurance.
A new study on more than 17,000 people discovered that too little sex is linked to cardiovascular disease and a higher risk of all-cause mortality.
Science suggests that most people misinterpret "time under tension" and unintentionally sabotage their training.
Most people are taught to tackle their problems head-on. However, new research suggests and exception that could reduce anxiety and improve happiness.
Are you looking for the next big thing? Arnold believes that might be why you've yet to experience your big breakthrough.
Research suggests a new way to protect your brain against decline and disease.
You might not think much about taking a stroll, but research suggests that committing to more daily movement is one of the easiest ways to help extend your lifespan.