Can Multivitamins Improve Your Memory?

It might be the least sexy of all supplements, but a multivitamin might has some benefits after all.

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Today’s Health Upgrade: Living Longer

  • The real benefit of multivitamins

  • Overrated or underrated

  • On our radar

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Can Multivitamins Improve Your Memory?

Some consider multivitamins “expensive urine,” but they might be a low-risk supplement with valuable upside you won’t want to forget. 

A three-part multi-year study examining more than 21,000 people concluded that popping a daily multivitamin sharpens your mind.

The study included four conditions, including testing against placebos and other supplements. Those who took a multivitamin daily for three years experienced two major improvements:

Memory Boost: There was a noticeable enhancement in episodic memory – the ability to recall specific events or experiences.

Global Cognitive Function: Overall, the multivitamin group had better scores in global cognitive function tests, which assess general brain health and performance.

According to the researchers, many people, especially older adults, do not get all the essential vitamins and minerals from their diet alone. Deficiencies in certain nutrients like B vitamins, vitamin D, and antioxidants have been linked to cognitive decline. 

Multivitamins provide a broad spectrum of these nutrients, potentially improving brain function by ensuring the body has what it needs to support cognitive health, and can also help fight against oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which contribute to cognitive decline. 

The improvements were not insignificant, either. In one part of the study, participants taking the multivitamin showed an impressive 30 percent improvement in memory, including recall and cognitive function, compared to the placebo group.

Good nutrition, proper sleep, and consistent exercise are the best prevention against age-related decline. But, a well-balanced multivitamin could help protect against blind spots.

Remember to look for brands with third-party certification, such as NSF Certified For Sport or Informed-Sport, when buying a supplement. Here is the Pump Club’s go-to multivitamin (use the code “PumpClub” for 20% OFF)

Overrated Or Underrated: Deloads

Taking a few days off or enjoying a vacation is not a reason to stress or think you’ll lose your progress. But do you need to schedule a week off to maximize results? 

Research suggests that deloads — planned time off designed to improve performance — do not make you stronger or help you build more muscle. 

For years, scientists have hypothesized that — on a molecular level — taking a break helps your body “resensitize” and grow. So researchers tested two groups: one trained for nine weeks without a break, while the other group took a week break in the middle of the program. 

At the end of the program, taking a 1-week deload did not benefit muscle growth, power, or endurance — and it appeared to reduce strength. And not taking a break appeared to have some psychological benefits. 

That’s not to say you must embrace a “no days off” mentality. The program had rest built into the workout design. And, if you’re a competitive athlete or peak for a competition, extra time off can help you bounce back mentally and physically. 

The verdict: Deloads are an overrated way to improve workout performance. A well-designed workout will help you keep getting better by knowing how much rest you need, given the volume and intensity of the program. And, if you’re feeling worn down, take extra recovery time. But planning time off will not give you a competitive advantage. 

On Our Radar: Can Carob Help Infertility?

We wouldn’t be surprised if the “poor man’s chocolate” might make some supplement manufacturers very rich. 

Preliminary research suggests that carob can improve sperm quality in men who suffer from infertility. 

Carob is a plant similar to cocoa because of its chocolate-like flavor. You could consider carob healthier than cacao (another chocolate “superfood”) because it’s high in antioxidants, contains more fiber, and has less fat and calories. 

The study analyzed four randomized controlled trials and found that those supplemented with carbo improved sperm motility and count compared to a control, vitamin E, and a drug designed to improve sperm health. 

Even though they were randomized controlled trials, there were limitations and insufficient data to jump to conclusions. However, given that carob is generally safe for consumption, with further research, it could be a low-risk alternative for male infertility. 

The researchers found that a dose of 800 to 1,500 mg per day appeared to support improvements.

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell

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