Welcome to the positive corner of the internet. No one likes to feel tricked, especially about their health. That’s why every weekday, we make sense of the confusing world of wellness with quick tips designed to make you healthier in less than 5 minutes. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free daily email here.
Today’s Health Upgrade
Who wants $100?
Zen your way to lower blood sugar
The mind-longevity connection
Arnold’s Podcast
Want more stories from Arnold? Every day, Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast opens with a story, perspective, and wisdom from Arnold that you won’t find in the newsletter. And, you’ll hear a recap of the day’s items. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
We’re Gifting $100 (To 5,000 People)
We love providing special offers to the positive corner of the internet, whether inviting 100 of you to Arnold’s FUBAR premiere, giving discounts on products we love, or randomly having Arnold FaceTime members. And we felt we were overdue for another bonus.
So we had an idea — what if we gave away $100 to anyone who commits to becoming healthier?
Starting today, when you sign up for the annual membership in The Pump App, you’ll get a $100 gift to Momentous.
We’ve seen incredible results from members of the village, like Miro. We’ve seen from thousands that it can help you train more effectively, eat better, receive support and accountability, and build habits that last.

Here’s how you can receive a $100 gift:
Step 1: Sign up for the annual plan of The Pump app. (You’ll download the app from the App Store or Google Play.)
Step 2: Enjoy the 7-day free trial. If it’s not a good fit, simply cancel. We really want you to use and love the app. (We also send a reminder before the trial ends.)
Step 3: After you complete the 7-day free trial, we’ll email you a $100 gift for Momentous, which makes the highest-quality, certified, and tested supplements. (If you cancel during the trial, you will not receive the gift.) You can use the gift on protein, creatine, vitamins, or anything you choose. You can find all the details here.
And that’s it. Because we are giving $100 to everyone who signs up for the annual membership, we’re limiting this to the first 5,000 people who sign up. (Note: This is only valid for new app members. But don’t worry, current app members, we have more bonuses coming for you, too.)
To celebrate all the new members, Arnold will do a Q&A in the app on Friday. We can’t wait to see you there!
Download the app and remember to select the annual plan (not monthly) to qualify for the $100 gift.
Zen Your Way to Lower Blood Sugar
Many people believe blood sugar spikes are bad. This is not true because it’s normal for your blood sugar to fluctuate when you eat. As we previously shared, research suggests that short-term glucose spikes do not cause hormonal issues, chronic inflammation, aging, or disease. But problems start if your blood sugar stays elevated.
If you want to prevent health issues, new research suggests yoga improves blood sugar control.
The study analyzed 16 randomized controlled trials focusing on type-2 diabetics. Yoga improved fasting blood glucose, blood glucose after a meal, HbA1c, and fasting insulin. (For the record, walking also improved fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, but not as much as yoga).
Yoga works because it challenges your muscles and reduces stress, which positively affects blood sugar control and type 2 diabetes management.
If you want to see results, the research suggests doing yoga at least twice per week for a minimum of 30 minutes per session. For comparison, the benefits of walking started at three times per week, with a minimum of 30 minutes per walk.
The Mind-Longevity Connection
Earlier this week, we told you how a shift in perspective can help increase your longevity by up to 7.5 years. But that’s not the only small change that can have a life-extending impact.
Research suggests that having a greater sense of purpose could help you live longer.
Scientists analyzed people over 50 and followed them for eight years. Those with the strongest sense of purpose had a lower risk of death from any cause, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or age. While the effect was significant for everyone, women experienced a bigger boost.
Men with a higher sense of purpose saw a 20 percent decrease in all-cause mortality, whereas women experienced a 34 percent reduction.
While movement, good diet, social connection, sleep, and a positive mindset all influence longevity, don’t forget to focus on your purpose.
Many people ask about the meaning of life, but research suggests the secret to finding meaning is investing your time in doing things that are meaningful to you.
It doesn’t matter if that’s helping others, reading a good book, spending time with your family or friends, or exercising. When you carve out time for the things that matter to you, it fills you with a deeper sense of purpose, and that can strengthen your health in good times and bad.
Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell