Is Coffee Bad For Your Heart?

Coffee can temporarily raise your heart rate, but does that mean you're at risk? New research suggests the popular drink could be...

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • A pill-free way to treat knee pain

  • The salt paradox

  • Is coffee bad for your heart?

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How To Reduce Knee Pain (Without Any Pills)

When your knees start to ache, your initial urge might be to pop pills for pain relief. But, as we’ve shared before, those pills might take the edge off the pain while also slowing your natural recovery. 

A better option? Trade the couch for some movement. Research suggests that short walks can help reduce knee pain, stiffness, and aches — and possibly help improve osteoarthritis. 

The researchers examined people over the age of 50 who suffered from arthritis. They tracked knee issues over four years and found that those who used walking as a form of exercise significantly reduced knee problems.  

It could be that a lack of activity increases the likelihood of joint issues, and movement serves as the medicine. Even though it’s low-intensity, walking improves blood flow, helps with mobility, and strengthens bones. Not to mention, walking is also associated with reducing lower back pain.

Even if you don’t yet have knee pain, the research suggests that weekly walks might help prevent problems down the road. Aim for a minimum goal of 4,000 to 5,000 steps per day, but you might continue to see health benefits upwards of 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day.

The Salt Paradox

If you’re trying to improve your diet, lowering salt intake is a common adjustment. And if you have high blood pressure, this change alone could help you reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. 

But — if you don’t have high blood pressure and are active — sodium plays an important role in your health and performance. 

Despite its bad reputation, salt is an essential nutrient. Your body can’t make it, and your cells, nerves, and muscles need sodium to function. However, as our consumption of ultra-processed foods increased, so did overall body weight and sodium intake. Does this mean you must avoid ultra-processed foods and completely cut out all salt? No. But, eating too much of either or both could potentially cause health issues.

To make things more complicated, when you exercise, your body uses sodium quickly. And if you don’t replenish sodium, your blood pressure can drop, your muscles can cramp, and you can feel more fatigued. Or, if you hydrate without replenishing salt, you can lower your sodium levels to the point you develop hyponatremia, a dangerous condition. 

The trick? Don’t overthink it. Instead, follow a few simple rules to ensure you get the amount of sodium your body needs. 

Rule 1: If you have high blood pressure, reducing sodium is likely a good idea. 

Rule 2: If you eat a lot of ultra-processed foods, you probably don’t need to add extra salt to your diet. In fact, you’ll benefit (in more ways than one) by reducing how much ultra-processed foods you consume.

Rule 3: If you’re active, play sports, or sweat a lot when you exercise, a little extra sodium is probably a good thing. If you are active and don’t eat much ultra-processed food — and drink a lot of water — an electrolyte drink could help you feel and perform better.

Our preferred drink is LMNT, which a biochemist developed to help improve hydration and performance. LMNT has enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium to give your body exactly what it needs—and keep you feeling and performing your best. It has no added sugar, artificial colors, or other unnecessary ingredients. That’s why LMNT is our go-to electrolyte drink and is trusted by many of the world’s leading health experts and athletes, including Team USA Weightlifting, dozens of professional sports teams across the NFL, NHL, and NBA, and Navy Seal teams.

As a member of the village, you’ll get a free sample pack (8 packets) with all the flavors when you make any purchase. Just make sure you use this link, and the free product will be automatically added to your cart to thank you for being part of the positive corner of the internet. If you don’t love the product, LMNT offers a no-questions-asked refund policy, which means you’ll be satisfied. 

Is Coffee Bad For Your Heart?

Coffee might be your favorite pre-workout or morning wake-up, but is it safe for your heart? 

Research suggests that coffee might not only be safe for your heart, but it can also improve heart health — as long as you don’t push your addiction too far. 

Coffee is heavily researched because it’s one of the most popular beverages in the world. Scientists analyzed the behaviors of more than 390,000 people and found that a moderate intake of coffee (and tea) was associated with up to a 35 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disease.

Like most things, the poison is in the dose. The benefits appear to be unlocked around 2 to 3 cups of coffee and tea per day. However, drinking six or more cups of coffee daily can increase your risk by up to 25 percent.

Most people are surprised to learn that research suggests coffee does not cause dangerous fluctuations in your heart rate. There are two types of heart palpitations — premature atrial contractions and premature ventricular contractions. The first is associated with health issues, and the other is benign. Coffee can cause the benign type because caffeine can change your heart rate, but that doesn’t mean your body is struggling or at risk — assuming your heart is healthy.

Of course, if too much coffee makes you feel bad and jittery or causes an upset stomach or headaches, there’s no need to force the issue. Drink the amount that makes you feel best. Other research suggests that up to 400 milligrams of coffee per day (about four cups) is safe.

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell

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