Do Egg Yolks Increase Cholesterol?

If you've been avoiding eggs, it's time to rethink their health status.

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • Monday motivation

  • Do eggs increase cholesterol?

  • Workout of the week

Arnold’s Podcast

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Arnold’s Corner
Monday Motivation

It’s that time of year.

Studies suggest that by the second week of February, 90% of New Year’s resolutions have failed.

90 percent!

I tried to warn you.

In October, November, and December, I talked to you about not waiting for the new year.

In January, I shared my idea for how to make this year’s resolutions stick.

How many of you listened?

I hope that our little positive corner of the internet beat the odds, but I know that even if we have better statistics than the rest of the world, there are hundreds of thousands of you reading this right now who have already given up.

You gave up! In February?! You’re 8 percent of the way through the year, and you’re just going to let it go?

You’re going to say you’ll try again next year when you’ve got 11 months left? The same empty promise you’ve made to yourself year after year?

Come on. I can’t let you do that.

Not when I have a resource that has helped tens of thousands of people create habits, make training part of their identity, lose weight, gain muscle, and have more positive outlooks on life.

The Pump app has done all of those things, and that’s why I am a fanatic about it. You could start a free trial at any time and read the comments, and you’ll find people who lost almost 150 pounds, people who run up their stairs without being winded, people who joined the 1,000-pound club (squat, bench, and deadlift total), and people who just feel better every day.

Because they are getting better every day. And I’m biased, but I think our app is the best place for that. It has habit tracking. It has the best workout programs for every fitness level, whether you’re starting from scratch or deadlifting 500 like Ketch, whether you’re training at home with your body weight or using equipment. Soon, it will have a nutrition tracker that takes the thinking out of reaching your goals.

And it has the most supportive, uplifting community to hold you accountable and lift you up when you need it.

I know this is the part where you think I tell you it is on sale to get those of you who need a boost to get back on track toward your resolutions.

It is not on sale. It would be crazy to put it on sale. It already costs about the price of two coffees a month if you subscribe to the annual membership (probably 3 or 4 coffees if you choose the monthly option). And, I just promised in January that the sale was 48 hours. I’m not into that bogus empty promise marketing.

More importantly, you need to make a commitment. 

If I put it on sale to bring in people who failed their commitments to themselves that they just made a month ago, I would get a lot more of you into the app.

But I would see a lot less success stories. Because if you join just because there is a sale, I know how it goes. You aren’t committed; you just couldn’t pass up a deal.

I care more about your success stories than I do about making money.

I want you committed. I want this year to be the year that you prove to yourself you can make those resolutions into a reality. I want you to realize you have the power to be better every day.

There is no sale because I need you to realize you are worth it.

You are worth the commitment and the work and the investment in yourself.

I’ll see you in the Pump. February is here. You have 92% of the year to kick ass. Let’s go.

Do Egg Yolks Increase Cholesterol? 

Last week, we shared that eating eggs can help protect your brain against dementia. Many of you followed up and emailed us because eggs have been blamed for raising cholesterol for decades. But that isn’t necessarily what the latest science shows.

New research suggests that egg yolks may be part of a heart-healthy diet without negatively impacting cholesterol levels.

Researchers followed 140 adults at risk for heart disease, dividing them into groups that consumed either 12 or more fortified eggs per week or fewer than two. 

The study found no significant differences in LDL cholesterol or other markers of heart disease between the groups, challenging the long-standing belief that eggs harm your heart.

Many people avoid eggs because of their cholesterol content, but dietary cholesterol — especially when it’s from a source low in saturated fat — does not necessarily increase blood cholesterol. 

In fact, one study found no relationship between eating eggs and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

That’s likely because egg eaters had higher intakes of essential nutrients, including choline, vitamin D, B12, and high-quality protein, that is often lacking in the average diet.

Rather than looking at cholesterol content, total dietary saturated fat intake and overall lifestyle factors had a much greater impact on cardiovascular health than egg consumption alone.

In other words, eggs can be part of a balanced diet, providing essential nutrients that support heart health. But, if you’re concerned, we highly recommend doing blood tests that give you better insight into what’s happening inside. If you want a convenient way to check your health, our favorite service is Hone Health. As a member of The Pump Club, you can save $105 OFF their blood test and consultation.

Workout of the Week

Last week, we shared a three-block full-body bodyweight workout. You loved the structure and time-efficient program, but the biggest request was to create a version with dumbbells. You asked, and we’re here to deliver. 

This week’s workout has a similar program design but all new movements and reps structure. Set a timer for 8 minutes and do the first exercise, the second, and finally the third, resting as little as possible between each move. Keep repeating the exercises — resting as needed — until the time is up. Then, move to the second block and repeat the process. You’re done once you’ve completed all three blocks.

Block 1: 8 minutes

Set a timer for 8 minutes. Perform the first exercise, then the second, and finally the third. Rest only as needed, and continue alternating between the exercises until time is up. 

Rest 2-3 minutes

Block 2: 8 minutes

Set a timer for 8 minutes. Perform the first exercise, then the second, and finall the third. Rest only as needed, and continue alternating between the exercises until time is up. 

Rest 2-3 minutes

Block 3: 8 minutes

Set a timer for 8 minutes. Perform the first exercise, then the second, and finall the third. Rest only as needed, and continue alternating between the exercises until time is up. 

And that’s it! Give it a try and start your week strong!

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell

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