The Downside of Multitasking

Sometimes, it seems that multitasking is the only way to keep up. But studies suggest it has many unwanted consequences.

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • The downside of multitasking

  • Why your brain ages

  • The Vitamin D blocker

  • Reimagine your breakfast (recipe of the week)

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The Downside of Multitasking

Many of us wear multitasking as a badge of honor. But you might want to limit how often you juggle many things at once. 

Research suggests that multitasking is associated with higher blood pressure and more anxiety and can be harmful to your mood. 

Not to mention, multitasking will likely result in fewer goals accomplished. Research found that those who multitask are less efficient and struggle more with focus and the ability to perform undistracted tasks. And because you’re not as sharp and struggle to stick to one project, those who multitask tend to become less positive about work and life. 

This doesn’t mean you can never multitask. It just means you should limit how often and long you do it. Arnold is a big believer in focusing on one thing at a time. This is a skill you must develop. So start by building up your focus while reducing your multitasking. 

Here’s your two-step plan:

  1. Build your focus muscles: Set aside three times per day when you focus intensely on just one thing. Do this for 10 to 20 minutes. Start slowly and then increase the amount of time you spend in deep focus. 

  2. Fine-turn multitasking muscles: If you’re going to multi-task, don’t do it for long. Limit your multitasking to 30-minute sprints and lean into the tasks you’re good at rather than multitasking on something new or less familiar. 

You will always have moments when you are doing multiple things. But by putting in the reps and practicing, you’ll improve at deeper focus and less distraction. That combination will benefit your health, mind, and overall happiness. 

Why Your Brain Ages 

Scientists previously believed that brain diseases were a natural part of aging. But it might be that the real issue is we don’t continue to force our brains to work as hard as we did when we were younger.

Research suggests challenges that force you to learn, think, and acquire new skills help maintain brain health and can fight neurodegenerative disease.

Consistently performing mentally demanding activities -- such as learning a new language -- is associated with a 40 percent lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia compared to those with low levels of mental engagement.

It's one reason why aging is so closely linked to brain decline. Researchers found that the more your brain goes into cruise control, which tends to happen later in life, the more susceptible you are to potential brain disorders or diseases. So the goal is to keep learning as if survival depends on it — because it does.

If you struggle to commit to learning the language, scheduling a summer trip can do more than help you destress. It might be the perfect way to give yourself a brain-boosting experience. Vacations are a great motivator. By booking a trip where people speak a different language, you can set a goal to learn a new language, have a clear deadline, and create a memorable experience.

Whether or not you plan a getaway, Babbel is our go-to resource for language learning. They've been helping members of the positive corner of the internet learn language for nearly a year—and it takes much less time than you imagine. Babbel has built a program to help you learn a new language with as little as 10 minutes of daily practice.

Their programs are developed by more than 200 language experts. Forget old, boring lessons. Babbel offers different options to help you grasp the language, such as podcasts, games, videos, and even live online classes. Best of all, Babbel was designed for learners of all levels and allows you to tailor your learning to topics that interest you.

As a member of Arnold’s Pump Club, we want to make it easier for you to be healthier and make it more affordable! For a limited time, all members of the village get up to 55 percent off! Just click this link, select the language you want to learn, and you’ll start challenging your brain and upgrading your health.

The Vitamin D Blocker

Yesterday, we discussed the importance of measuring your Vitamin D instead of blindly taking supplements. Vitamin D is important in many aspects of your health — so it’s important to ensure you’re not deficient.

However, another aspect of your health could heavily influence how well Vitamin D supplements work.

Research suggests that maintaining lower body fat could help you get the most out of your Vitamin D intake.

A study (the VITAL Trial) found that people who needed Vitamin D and supplemented with it appeared to lower the likelihood of cancer death and autoimmune disease — but the effect was only noticed in leaner people. 

Being overweight contributes to many illnesses and diseases. And in this study, it appeared to block the potential benefits of supplementation. 

The protective effects of Vitamin D showed up for people in a healthy weight range, but those benefits disappeared for participants with a body mass index above 25.

Remember, if you take Vitamin D, it’s best to test first, understand if you’re deficient, and then potentially supplement with what your body needs. Otherwise, you’re likely throwing away your money. While healthy levels of Vitamin D are associated with many health outcomes, most people are not deficient, and supplementing with too much (because you don’t know what you need) could have potential downsides. 

Reimagine Your Breakfast (Recipe of the Week)

For many people, breakfast is their favorite meal. But eating eggs can be a tiring way to get protein. Enter the morning bowl, designed by performance chef Dan Churchill, author of the new book Eat Like A Legend. 

This recipe can be made in about 10 minutes, stores perfectly for leftovers, and is loaded with protein and fiber — the two ingredients to help you stay full and energize your day. 


  • 2 cups rolled oats

  • 2 ½ cups water

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds

  • 1 cup frozen raspberries

  • 1 cup Greek yogurt

  • 4 strawberries, sliced

  • ¼ cup walnuts

  • 2 tbsp nut butter


  1. In a pot on medium heat, add the oats, 1 tbsp honey, cinnamon, salt and water. Cook until the water is absorbed.

  2. Fold in the frozen raspberries. Add the flax seeds.

  3. Add the oatmeal to a bowl. Then, top with the Greek yogurt. Drizzle with honey. Finish with sliced strawberries, crushed walnuts, and flax seeds.

  4. Eat and enjoy!

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell