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Today’s Health Upgrade
A new reason to enjoy green tea
How to triple your calorie burn
Is creatine good for your heart?
Arnold’s Podcast
Want more stories from Arnold? Every day, Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast opens with a story, perspective, and wisdom from Arnold that you won’t find in the newsletter. And, you’ll hear a recap of the day’s items. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Does Green Tea Protect Your Brain From Aging?
If you want to keep your brain healthy, exercise frequently, prioritize sleep, and try to be a lifelong learner. If you do all those things, a little afternoon tea time could offer additional protection.
New research suggests green tea might help keep your brain young and healthy.
The research suggests that regular green tea consumption may reduce cerebral white matter lesions, which are linked to aging, cognitive decline, and other neurological issues.
White matter lesions are often called “silent” brain changes because they may not initially cause noticeable symptoms. But they can impact your cognitive function, balance, and overall brain health over time.
The researchers studied more than 8,500 adults aged 60 and older who showed no signs of dementia.
Those who drank about 2.5 cups of green tea per day (20 ounces) had 3 percent fewer white matter lesions on their brain than those drinking 7 ounces or less of green tea. And the benefits appeared to extend up to 50 ounces of green tea daily.
Interestingly, when the scientists looked at coffee consumption, they saw no changes or reduction in white matter lesions on the brain. It’s possible that the anti-inflammatory benefits of tea could improve the health of your blood vessels and help protect your brain.
Although white matter is a part of aging, the study suggests that something as simple as green tea might be an accessible, natural way to reduce their risk and progression.
Together With GoRuck
How To Triple Your Caloric Burn (+ The Calorie Calculator)
Burning fat never feels like a walk in the park — but it could if you add a little weight.
Increasing your step count is one of the best ways to help improve longevity. And if you can make those steps a little more challenging, they can help you achieve your fitness goals without spending all your time in the gym.
Research suggests you can burn up to 2 to 3 times more calories by rucking — the simple but effective exercise of carrying a weighted backpack during a walk.
Rucking originates from the military, where soldiers take long walks wearing a weighted backpack. And now, studies are discovering how wearing weight can be one of the few legitimate exercise “hacks.”
Not only does rucking burn significantly more calories, but research has found it also engages multiple muscle groups, improves cardiovascular health, and reduces the likelihood of injury — making it one of the most efficient forms of exercise.
Studies in older adults even suggest that wearing extra weight while walking or climbing steps could help extend healthspan and physical independence by up to 10 years.
Think of it this way: the calories you burn moving your body through all day-to-day actions is — by far — the majority of your metabolic burn.
While most people think leaner people have a faster metabolism, the heavier you are, the more your metabolism works (and burns calories) to support the needs of your body.
That’s partially why rucking is so effective — it tricks your body into thinking you’re heavier than you are, forcing your cardiovascular system to work harder. The extra weight means walking becomes a full-body exercise that engages your core, legs, and upper body, which has to add extra pounding to your joints.
If you want to start rucking, carry 15 to 20 pounds and then increase weight (or distance) over time.
If you need a rucksack, GORUCK is the best we’ve found and the preferred ruck of Arnold’s Pump Club. Their Rucker was designed in 2008 specifically for rucking, which means the weight sits high and tight for better stability so you improve posture without causing back pain.
Members of the Pump app have been using GORUCK for months, and it’s their secret weapon for staying fit, even when times get chaotic.
Our favorite part? GORUCK stands behind all its products with a lifetime guarantee. So they'll take care of you if you don’t love it. And that’s why we feel confident recommending their rucks to the entire village. Plus, we have used them for years.
Because you’re a member of the positive corner of the internet, you get 20% OFF your entire GORUCK purchase. If you’re in the US, use the code “PUMP20GORUCK” for 20% off your order. And if you’re in the EU, use the code “PUMP20EU.”
How much can rucking upgrade your next walk?
Check out this calorie burn calculator. It estimates how much you can shred during your ruck.
On Our Radar
Is Creatine Good For Your Heart?
If you’ve been worried about taking creatine to power your workouts and support your brain, this study could change your thoughts about the popular supplement.
A new study found that creatine improves your cardiovascular system — and those benefits increase as you age.
The scientists focused on sedentary older adults and put them on a 4-week creatine protocol. The participants took 20 grams for 5 days (4 equally split doses of 5 grams) and then 5 grams per day for the remaining 23 days. The researchers measured macrovascular (large blood vessels) and microvascular (small blood vessels) endothelial function, which are important in regulating blood flow and cardiovascular health.
Both types of blood vessel function improved significantly in ways associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The participants also saw improvements in their blood glucose and triglycerides.
Endothelial function naturally declines with age, increasing the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.
It’s important to mention that this was a pilot study with limited participants, and the researchers did not measure cardiovascular disease (just the improvements to risk factors). At this time, more research is needed to determine how much creatine might improve heart health, but this adds to the growing amount of research supporting the many benefits of creatine.
Remember, creatine is naturally produced in your body and is safe for your kidneys, heart, and brain. Getting creatine from your diet is possible — but getting it in the amount you need for the associated health benefits is impractical and unlikely.
If you want to supplement with creatine, the gold standard is creatine monohydrate. And make sure you only buy third-party certified products, so you aren’t left taking a powder or gummy that isn’t delivering what you want.
A recent analysis of creatine gummies found that nearly 50% of gummies fall short of the label claims, with a few products having zero grams of creatine.
That’s why Momentous is the Pump Club’s preferred creatine. They use the highest-quality creatine monohydrate, test every batch for purity and quality, and guarantee no banned substances or toxins. Use the code “pumpclub” for 20 percent off your entire purchase.
If you’re considering creatine supplementation, here’s what you need to know.
If you’re new to creatine, start with 3-5 grams daily of creatine monohydrate: This is the standard dose backed by hundreds of studies.
If you’re interested in the cognitive benefits and brain health: Studies suggest up to 10 grams per day (in a single dose or split doses) is safe and neuroprotective.
Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell