Is Splenda damaging your DNA?

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Welcome to the positive corner of the internet. Here’s a daily digest designed to make you healthier in less than 5 minutes. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free daily email here.

Today’s Health Upgrade

  • The fat burner that works

  • Is Splenda damaging your DNA?

  • Recipe of the week

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A Real Fat Burner?

We are critical of most supplements, but one of our favorite supplements continues to find new ways to stand out.

New research suggests that creatine might help you burn more body fat.

Creatine is one of the few Arnold-approved supplements because of decades of positive research. It has long been celebrated for its ability to improve muscle and strength, and newer research also suggested it pumps up your brain and improves cognitive performance, memory, and executive function.

The latest research looked at 19 different creatine studies focused on people above the age of 50. And the scientists found that those who used creatine showed a reduction in body fat percentage and total body fat.

To be clear, the changes weren't crazy. The foundation of fat loss is still diet followed by exercise. But creatine could give you an extra edge. If you’re interested in supplementing with creatine, don’t be held back by prior myths. It’s not a steroid or a hormone; it’s naturally produced in your body, found in food (like meat and dairy), and doesn’t cause kidney problems. Most research suggests that 3 to 5 grams of creatine monohydrate will provide the desired benefits.

Is Splenda Damaging Your DNA?

The headlines are making their way through social media and spreading fear. “Chemical found in Splenda damages DNA.”

Unfortunately, headlines are made to grab attention and not accurately portray reality. So let’s provide some peace of mind if you have a few packets of Splenda with your coffee or otherwise.

The latest research does not provide strong evidence that Splenda is doing damage to your body.

When studies come out, it’s important to keep three things in mind: what did it test, what did it find, and how does that apply in real life?

In this case, the study was performed in a petri dish, where one single marker of damage was slightly elevated. And Splenda wasn’t even tested — they examined one chemical compound that is approximately 1 percent of Splenda.

Most importantly, as pointed out in this brilliant thread, based on prior research, if you wanted to see the type of damage found in the experiment, you’d have to eat approximately 50,000 packets of Splenda or drink about 10,000 cans of diet soda.

In other words, what they found in the petri dish wasn’t exactly a true representation of what is consumed in real life. More importantly, because the research leaves far more questions than answers, the study wasn't worthy of the clickbait headlines.

If you don’t like Splenda or other artificial sweeteners, then there’s no need to eat them. But if you enjoy a few packets or have some soda, the latest finds are not a reason to live in fear. If you want more peace of mind, some of the strictest regulatory agencies around the world have found that these sweeteners cause no major danger when consumed by humans.

Recipe Of The Week

If you’re looking for a high-protein meal — whether any time of the day or immediately after your workout — here’s an option from Elizabeth Brown, MS, RDN, CPT (AKA The Kitchen Vixen). This recipe can be prepared in just 20 minutes and it provides your body with nearly 50 grams of protein and more than 7 grams of fiber.

Lemon Pepper Chicken and Sweet Potatoes


  • 8-ounce organic, boneless, skinless chicken breast

  • 1 tablespoon safflower or olive oil

  • 2 teaspoons lemon pepper seasoning

  • 6 ounces (170 g) of Japanese yams or sweet potatoes

  • Dash sea salt & black pepper

Optional: Marinate the chicken in olive oil, vinegar, sea salt & pepper.


  1. Cut potatoes into even, 1/2-inch fries and toss with oil, sea salt, and pepper

  2. Place in air fryer basket & cook 20 minutes, shaking the basket half way

  3. Heat skillet or pan on medium-high heat. (If you want, you can put a little oil in the skillet)

  4. Add 1 teaspoon lemon pepper to each side of the chicken.

  5. Place chicken on the grill pan, or on a regular skillet. You can also cook in an air fryer for the same length of time. Cook 6 minutes per side, until a meat thermometer inserted at the thickest part reads 160F/71C or the juices run clear, or no longer pink at the center

  6. Serve the chicken with 6 ounces of sweet potato or yam fries and enjoy!