Never Regain The Weight

The path to a healthier body doesn't start with a trendy diet. Instead, four behavioral changes can help you build habits (and...

Welcome to the positive corner of the internet. Here’s a daily digest designed to make you healthier in less than 5 minutes. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free daily email here.

Today’s Health Upgrade

  • Spread the word

  • Never regain the weight

  • Putting in financial reps

  • Arnold’s favorite dessert

Arnold’s Podcast

Motivation every day. Want Arnold to help you start your day? Each morning, we post a new podcast with tips you’ll find in the daily email and bonus stories, wisdom, and motivation from Arnold. Listen to Arnold's Pump Club podcast. It's like the daily newsletter but with additional narration and thoughts from Arnold. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Spread The Word

If you got your copy of Be Useful and loved it, please head over to Amazon and give it a review! Sharing 5-star reviews helps us get to number one, which helps the books reach more and more people. My vision is to see Be Useful in the hands of everyone all over the world. If you loved it, please leave a review to help!

Also, here are a few more interviews I’ve done the past few days:

Never Regain The Weight

Research suggests that most people regain the weight they lose, and up to 40 percent of dieters become heavier than before they started a diet. But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

Scientists found that focusing on behavioral change — instead of specific diets or workouts — was a more effective way to prevent weight regain.

As we’ve suggested, getting healthier requires playing a different game from what you’ve been taught. It means focusing on goals and routines and not giving into extremes.

The researchers found that four behaviors make a big difference in winning the long game, and none have anything to do with specific foods or restrictions. They include:

  1. Goal setting: Think of this as something clear and measurable, such as eating 20 grams of protein per meal or drinking two glasses of water before eating.

  2. Problem-solving: Identify why you are most likely to fail, and then create support systems or prevention techniques to help avoid that outcome. If you can’t resist eating certain foods, that might mean taking the food out of your house. If driving by a restaurant increases the likelihood of eating there too often, you can plan a different route. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, but it does require you to take an honest look at why you struggle.

  3. Self-monitoring: What gets measured gets managed. It can be as simple as logging your workouts, tracking food, or weighing yourself. But give yourself data that helps you stay honest.

  4. Feedback and social support: As the saying goes, “You can go fast alone, or you can go far together.” Take being on your journey, let them hold you accountable, pump you up, and keep you positive even during the challenging moments.

Changing your behaviors takes time, but this method shows you don’t need to obsess about specific foods or a particular diet. Instead, it allows you to build new behaviors that make you feel better and create routines. And when those routines become automatic, you will become healthier. You just need to trust the process, be patient, and stop reaching for quick fixes that only take you further from your goals.

Put In The Financial Reps

Americans' outlook for their retirement is the most pessimistic since 2012 — only 43% of people think they’ll have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

Most people don’t start investing for a few reasons:

  • They don’t know where to start

  • They don’t understand how to start

  • They don’t think they have enough time

So, we asked bestselling author Ramit Sethi about his approach for setting you up for success. Just like a good training program will pay off when you use it consistently, a good financial plan can have the same long-term payoff.

It may seem really complicated, but Ramit has three steps to help you make better decisions and remove the barriers that stand in your way.

  1. Choose where to invest. I recommend Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab (Ramit personally uses Vanguard.)

  1. Find the target date fund that matches the year you’ll be 65 years old (or the year you plan to retire). For example, if I’m going to be 65 in 2050, I would find the Vanguard 2050 Target Date Fund. Some companies call this a target date fund or a target retirement fund.

The target date fund will automatically get more conservative over time — that’s what you want. As you get older, you want your investments to become a little bit more conservative. All you’ve got to worry about is putting as much money as possible into it, and it automatically diversifies.

  1. Start automatically investing every single month (you can find more detailed information about this in Ramit’s book). That target date fund might sit within your 401(k), your Roth IRA, or any number of accounts. All you have to do is make sure that the money is automatically being sent and invested every single month.

And that’s it. You can do more, but if you make this your foundation, it’s a proven path to creating wealth.

Recipe of the Week: Arnold’s Favorite Dessert

If you watched the clip above from The Late Show, you saw that Stephen Colbert surprised Arnold with kaiserschmarrn, his favorite childhood treat.

We shared this recipe back in January, but — back then — the village was much smaller. And, while you might not expect a sugary treat in a newsletter about health, Arnold is all about celebrating your wins. You don’t build a routine successfully without celebrating. 

This is Arnold’s mother’s Kaiserschmarrn recipe. If you master it, take a picture and share it on social with Arnold.


  • 4 eggs, separated

  • ¾ cup flour

  • ½ cup milk

  • pinch salt

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 2 Tbsp granulated sugar

  • 4 oz raisins

  • 4 Tbsp butter

  • powdered sugar to sprinkle over pancakes

How to Make It

  1. Mix together egg yolks, flour, milk, salt, baking powder, and sugar till well mixed. Let the batter stand for 10 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, beat egg whites until stiff.

  3. Gently fold egg whites into the batter.

  4. Gently fold in raisins.

  5. In a frying pan, melt 2 Tbsp butter over medium heat. Pour in batter and fry until cooked on the bottom.

  6. Flip the pancake, add 2 Tbsp butter, and cook on the other side until crispy.

  7. Using two forks, tear the pancake into pieces and continue cooking briefly.

  8. Serve dusted with powdered sugar. It tastes fantastic when served with fruit or fruit sauce. Enjoy!

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell

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