The Sleep Deprivation Solution

New research suggests creatine can instantly help protect and power your brain when you don't get enough rest.

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • How kids become successful adults

  • The sleep deprivation solution

  • The 15-step rule

Arnold’s Podcast

Want more stories from Arnold? Every day, Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast opens with a story, perspective, and wisdom from Arnold that you won’t find in the newsletter. And, you’ll hear a recap of the day’s items. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

How Kids Become Successful Adults

The next time your child tries to talk their way out of helping out around the home, think twice before letting them off easily. 

The longest-running study on humans suggests that children who do chores are likelier to become successful adults. 

We’ve discussed the Harvard Grant Study before, an 85-year ongoing study about adult development. The scientists reviewed 724 “high achievers” and found childhood traits that lead to breakthrough career success. They found a strong connection between doing more to help out around the home and building a mindset that you must work for things in life and share responsibility. More importantly, those who do chores as kids are more likely to be happier as adults.

Maybe not surprisingly, additional research suggests that children who start helping with small tasks around kindergarten age have higher levels of self-efficacy and self-confidence. 

Sleep-Deprived? Try This Brain Booster

When you don’t get enough rest, coffee isn’t the only—or even necessarily the best—option for keeping you sharp the next day.

A new study found that a single dose of creatine can keep your brain functioning at a high level even when you’re sleep-deprived. 

In the study, participants were forced to get inadequate sleep for two nights and perform cognitive tasks. Those who took a placebo experienced what you would expect — crashing performance and a brain that processed as quickly as dial-up internet.

However, those who took creatine improved cognitive performance and experienced less fatigue. Creatine also appeared to sustain higher levels of brain energy, suggesting that sleep deprivation didn’t have the normal harmful consequences. 

The study was notable not just because of the impact but because of the immediate benefits. Most studies suggest taking creatine for about a month to see the benefits. However, this showed benefits in just two nights. 

Research suggests you need 3 to 5 grams daily for muscular benefits, whereas prior research suggests you need about 10 grams daily for cognitive benefits. In this study, participants took about 20 grams of creatine per night to offset the sleep deprivation. This is within a safe zone, but that amount could cause GI issues (although no participants listed stomach issues as a problem).

If you want to try it, the most effective and safest form is creatine monohydrate. Our go-to source for creatine monohydrate is Momentous. (All members of the village get 20% OFF when you use the code “PumpClub”). 

Every Momentous product is tested to ensure quality, purity, and — most importantly — safety. They are redefining the supplement category by doing things not typically done, including ten contracts with the US Military to help develop high-performance supplements that work.

If you’re new to creatine, research suggests starting with three to ten grams daily. But if you are low on sleep, the study suggests taking a little more will stay sharp during the day and energize your brain.

The 15-Step Rule

We know that many of you sit most of the day, and this reality increases your risk for health issues. Even if you work out and are healthy, research suggests that too much sitting can increase your risk for many diseases. But reversing that risk is easier than you might think.

Research suggests that 3-minute movement breaks can help offset a full day of sitting. 

According to the study authors, “Every waking hour spent in sedentary postures increases risk for metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.” And that’s why the simple takeaways are so valuable.

The study was done on people at high risk for type 2 diabetes, meaning that if it helped them, it would likely positively impact others. The scientists found that standing up and moving every 30 minutes improved overall health. The participants benefited from climbing a few flights of stairs, doing jumping jacks or squats, or — taking as few as 15 steps during the mini-break. 

It’s another reminder that the little things you do throughout the day can improve blood sugar and cholesterol, promote better blood flow, and offer cardiovascular benefits. 

Want to get started? The participants simply set a timer on their phones every 30 minutes at work. Activity counted when they took at least 15 steps, and those who did saw improvements in as little as three weeks.

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell