Welcome to the positive corner of the internet. No one likes to feel tricked, especially about their health. That’s why every weekday, we make sense of the confusing world of wellness with quick tips designed to make you healthier in less than 5 minutes. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free daily email here.
Today’s Health Upgrade
Stat of the week
Don’t forget to turn off the TV
Arnold on aging, loss, and the origins of the Arnold Press
Arnold’s Podcast
Want more stories from Arnold? Every day, Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast opens with a story, perspective, and wisdom from Arnold that you won’t find in the newsletter. And, you’ll hear a recap of the day’s items. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Stat of the Week: 1,000
The next time someone makes you feel bad about your coffee consumption, remind them of this stat.
Research suggests that coffee drinkers walk an average of 1,000 more steps per day than non-coffee drinkers.
This study might provide some clarity on why research suggests that coffee drinkers live longer. While coffee has many health benefits (assuming you don’t add too much sugar), adding 1,000 steps per day is associated with up to a 15 percent increase in longevity.
Don’t Forget To Turn Off The TV
Yesterday’s post about nighttime light exposure and cardiovascular risk led to many questions in our inbox. The most common: What about the TV?
We did some digging, and research suggests that sleeping with the TV on can also potentially cause health issues and might influence weight gain.
The problem with evening light appears to be a one-two punch. On one hand, evening light disrupts circadian rhythms, harming sleep quality. Poor sleep impacts the hormones that control your hunger and fullness, meaning you’re less likely to feel full and more likely to crave salty, sugary, fatty foods.
Research also suggests that — separate from the sleep disruption — too much light when you sleep can also disrupt your metabolism.
The study on the connection between sleep and weight gain focused on 40,000 women. The scientists discovered that sleeping with the TV on was associated with nearly a 20 percent increased risk of gaining 11 pounds over five years. That said, it was an observational study, which means you can’t claim cause and effect, but there appears to be a relationship. To play it safe, do your best to turn off the TV before you sleep and limit the light in your bedroom.
Arnold Q&A
Like most weeks, Arnold held another Q&A in The Pump app. Here are a few answers you might enjoy!
The Origins of The Arnold Press

Arnold on Aging

Arnold on Losing Loved Ones

Arnold on Laying A Good Brick Wall

Thanks again for joining us for another week. We love building the positive corner of the internet and providing tips to help you live a healthier, happier life. Have a fantastic weekend!
-Arnold, Adam, and Daniel
Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell