How To Stop A Cold Before It Starts

Move over Vitamin C. If you want to support a stronger immune system, it's time to upgrade your nighttime routine.

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Today’s Health Upgrade

  • To Ketone Or Not To Ketone

  • The Game Changer

  • How To Stop A Cold

  • You’ll Never Look At Cardio The Same

Arnold’s Podcast

Motivation every day. Want Arnold to help you start your day? Each morning, we post a new podcast with tips you’ll find in the daily email and bonus stories, wisdom, and motivation from Arnold. Listen to Arnold's Pump Club podcast. It's like the daily newsletter but with additional narration and thoughts from Arnold. You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

To Ketone or Not to Ketone

Going into ketosis seems like a good idea on paper, but few people want to cut out carbs entirely or are able to sustain it for an extended time. That’s why a new type of supplement suggests you can have all the benefits of ketosis and eat your carbs, too. But do they really work?

A recent study found that cyclists who supplemented with ketones performed worse than those who took a placebo. 

When you cut carbs and eat a higher-fat diet, you produce ketones, which your body can use to fuel your brain and muscles. Instead of using carbs for energy, you use fat. This does not mean you burn more body fat; it simply means because you eat more fat (and fewer carbs), your body uses that dietary fat as fuel. So, hypothetically, the ketone supplements would give your body the same type of energy but without the strict diet rules.

However, when the cyclists used the ketone supplement, they experienced less power output, slower times, similar fatigue, and more gastrointestinal issues. In other words, even though they couldn’t push as hard, they felt just as exhausted as those who took a placebo and performed better. 

The study suggests that relying on ketones as a primary energy source might not have any benefit and could impair performance, especially in activities that require short bursts of intense effort. Instead of relying solely on ketones, it might be wise to incorporate carbohydrates into your diet before engaging in high-intensity exercise. 

Past research suggests anywhere from 20 to 60 grams of carbs before a workout could improve performance. But make sure to factor in your personal preference. If you don’t feel good with carbs or enjoy eating before training (Arnold doesn’t eat before he hits the gym), do what works for you. 

The Game-Changer

There’s something that the healthiest people in the world know that so many people overlook.

They commit to a big goal before they are ready. The reason is simple: every day you go without committing to change is an extra day you have to work harder to become better. Many new year’s resolutions fail not just because people don’t have the right support, but also because they spend November and December moving further away from their goals.

It’s time to change that. The Pump App is now open exclusively to Arnold’s Pump Club members. It’s designed to help you build better habits — whether exercising, eating better, or building a more positive mindset — and be surrounded by a positive and supportive community.

Big changes can feel risky, which is why The Pump offers a free 7-day trial.

Head to to download the app and use the referral code ARNOLD to get in.

Arnold even jumped in yesterday and surprised new members. We hope to meet more of you soon!

How To Stop A Cold (Before It Starts)

Forget Vitamin C. If you want to support a healthier immune system, research suggests that getting more quality sleep makes you three times less likely to get the common cold. 

In the study, participants were purposely exposed to a rhinovirus and quarantined for a week. Those who slept less than 7 hours were likelier to get sick, and those with worse sleep efficiency — such as struggling to fall or stay asleep — were nearly five times more likely to get sick. 

The findings suggest that sleep deprivation may negatively affect your body's immune response, making it easier for the common cold virus to attack. In general, aim for at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.

If you struggle with falling or staying asleep, establish a bedtime routine, create a comfortable, cool sleep environment, stop eating two to three hours before bed, and limit screen exposure. Healthy sleep habits can support your immune system and reduce the risk of getting sick, even if exposed to germs.

You’ll Never Look At Cardio The Same Way

Unless you’re a runner, most people don’t like doing cardio. But if you’re a man, this study might change your opinion…or get some of your exercise-resistant friends to take up running. 

Research suggests that cardio improves erectile function. (Can’t say I ever thought I’d write that line)

Scientists analyzed 11 studies to determine the relationship between aerobic exercise and erectile dysfunction. Because trouble below the belt is often a blood flow issue, cardiovascular exercise was effective at reversing the problem and boosting both heart health and hard-ons. 

The analysis found that participants who engaged in regular aerobic exercise saw similar improvements to what you’d expect from testosterone replacement therapy and close to the same boost as Viagra. It goes to show you once again that movement really is medicine. 

The catch? The improvements were dependent on your current health status. In other words, the worse your cardiovascular condition and the more excess weight on your body, the more aerobic exercise provides a lift. For healthier people, the improvements weren’t as significant. 

People with more severe erectile issues saw the most significant improvements, but almost everyone saw changes from performing exercise. 

The big jump for less healthy people is because erectile dysfunction closely resembles the causes of cardiovascular issues, such as inflammation or the hardening of your arteries. And exercise — and getting to a healthier weight — can be the antidote to all of the above. 

If you want to start doing cardio, the researchers found that committing to 30 to 60 minutes of exercise three to five days per week provided the desired benefits.

Publisher: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editors-in-chief: Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell

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