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Today’s Health Upgrade
The heart saver
Protein, upgraded
How to change your mind(set)
Nature's recovery spice
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The Heart Saver
Adding more blue to your diet can make your heart pump more red.
That’s because research suggests blueberries could help reduce the likelihood of suffering a heart attack.
A recent study found that older adults taking a supplemental powder made out of blueberries improved their endothelial health and some measures of cognition. You might not be familiar with endothelial function, but it’s a fancy way of describing how your blood vessels work effectively. Better functioning means improved blood flow, less calcification, and a lower chance of cardiovascular problems.
If that wasn’t enough, the improvements to your brain include better short-term memory, attention, and reaction time. If you want the benefits, you can follow the amount used in the study and use 26 grams of freeze-dried wild blueberry powder, or you can eat your way to better health by having approximately 1.25 cups of wild blueberries per day (which is the equivalent of the freeze-dried powder). If you want to be like Arnold, toss them in your oatmeal after a workout and enjoy.
Protein, Upgraded
Protein is one of the foundations of a healthy diet. But, finding proteins that are sourced with intention isn’t easy. We believe that if you choose to eat meat, it’s best to do it while focusing on animal welfare, supporting farmers, and treating our planet with respect.
That’s why our go-to source for protein is ButcherBox. They deliver 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef; free-range organic chicken; humanely raised pork; and wild-caught seafood directly to your doorstep at the frequency you choose. We partnered with ButcherBox to bring a special offer to the village because they check all the boxes that matter: high-quality protein, convenience for you and your family, flexible plans that meet you where you are, and a company that values the welfare of the planet.
As Arnold’s Pump Club members, you can save $60 OFF — $20 off your first three boxes. Click here and use the code “ARNOLD” to receive your discount. It’s the high-quality nutrition your body deserves to help deliver the results you want.

Note from Arnold: We believe in transparency. Sometimes you'll see ads here, like the one above. You might ask why. First, we want to provide resources to help you become healthier and happier. We know finding good options is hard, so we do the work and provide special deals. And, as the village gets bigger, it costs more, and I want my team to make money. We’ll never sell out and advertise any bogus magic pills; we'll bring you the stuff we feel can help you and add value to your life.
How to Change Your Mind(set)
Do you see social media posts that suggest making your bed is the key to success? If that’s not for you, don’t worry.
The key to success isn’t copying any one specific behavior — it depends on building a growth mindset.
Psychology research suggests two primary types of mindset: growth and fixed. A fixed mindset happens when you believe there are restrictions on what you can accomplish. It would be like Arnold believing he could only be a bodybuilder. In contrast, those with a growth mindset believe that change is possible and there are no limits to your potential, such as Arnold becoming a Hollywood star and Governor of California. We all experience both types of thinking, but spending more time in the growth mode creates changes in your brain that can increase your likelihood of success.
Studies suggest that those with more time in a growth mindset are better at goal-setting and decision-making. Additional research also appears to show that a growth mindset can build resilience that turns potentially frustrating moments into learning experiences.
Ready to expand your mind? Part of developing a growth mindset depends on your environment. You need to be around people who are more positive, encourage you to grow beyond what you think is possible, and provide specific positive feedback. So if you’re around too much negativity, it’s time to cut that loose.
But it’s not all dependent on others. Those with a growth mindset tend to be inspired by the success of others (rather than intimidated or defeated), and they focus on expanding their comfort zone. You can accomplish this by spending time on what you do well and where you have weaknesses. By purposely targeting where you are not as strong, you step outside your comfort zone and expand the boundaries of what you previously thought was possible. With a better environment and a clear vision to challenge yourself to improve, you’ll change your mind, which could help upgrade your outcomes and raise your ceiling.
Nature’s Recovery Spice
If you’re looking for a more natural way to bounce back from your workouts and help with aches and pains, a little spice — literally — could make a difference.
Turmeric — a spice related to ginger — could help reduce pain and improve recovery. The reason is curcumin, a compound found within turmeric, which studies suggest can help fight inflammation and provides a strong antioxidant boost.
One study found that people with osteoarthritis in their knees had just as much relief taking about 1,500 milligrams per day as they did using 1,200 milligrams of ibuprofen.
So what’s the catch? For one, you probably can’t cook your way to happier joints. Curcumin is very poorly absorbed, and you need a lot of it to see benefits. So, if you want to give it a try, you’ll want to find a concentrated supplement. And if you buy a supplemental version, make sure it includes black pepper extract (AKA piperine) to improve absorption. Research suggests you’ll want approximately 20 mg of piperine for every 1,500 mg of curcumin. And you’ll need to be patient. Most research suggests you’ll need to use it daily for about 1 to 2 months before you experience relief.